Mortgage Smart Contract


The Mortgage Smart Contract provides a decentralized solution to streamline and automate mortgage processes in the real estate domain. Utilizing the transparency, security, and efficiency of blockchain, this contract facilitates mortgage agreements between banks/lenders and property buyers.

Key Features:

  • Structured Mortgage Data Storage: Manages detailed mortgage information for individual agreements.

  • Mortgage Terms Management: Enables the setting, approval, and modification of mortgage terms.

  • Payment Processing: Handles mortgage payments made in stablecoins, reducing volatility concerns associated with cryptocurrencies.

  • Minting and Management of NFTs: Represents mortgage agreements and property ownership.

  • Interest and Principal Calculation: Automated calculation based on the agreed terms.

  • Event Tracking: For crucial activities such as loan origination, payment submissions, and mortgage completion.

Contract Data Structure

At the heart of the Mortgage Smart Contract is a struct named MortgageDetails.

struct MortgageDetails {
    address lender;
    address buyer;
    uint256 principalAmount;
    uint256 interestRate;  // basis points (e.g., 500 for 5%)
    uint256 tenure;  // in months
    uint256 monthlyPayment;  // in stablecoin units
    bool isActive;
    uint256 totalPaymentsMade;
    uint256 outstandingAmount;
    // ... other fields

Core Contract Functions

originateMortgage: Initializes a new mortgage agreement between a lender and buyer.

function originateMortgage(address _buyer, uint256 _principalAmount, uint256 _interestRate, uint256 _tenure) public returns (uint256) {
    // Implementation

submitMonthlyPayment: Allows the buyer to submit their monthly payments.

function submitMonthlyPayment(uint256 mortgageId) public payable {
    // Checks for the correct amount and updates the mortgage details

getOutstandingAmount: Computes the remaining amount that the buyer owes.

function getOutstandingAmount(uint256 mortgageId) public view returns (uint256) {
    // Implementation

terminateMortgage: Used when the buyer completes all payments or the contract needs to be terminated for other reasons.

function terminateMortgage(uint256 mortgageId) private {
    // Implementation

Extended Functionality and Advanced Features

Advanced Features:

  1. Multi-Currency Support: Accepts popular stablecoins (USDC, DAI, etc.) for payments, allowing buyers to choose their preferred stablecoin.

  2. Overpayment Handling: If buyers decide to pay more than their monthly due, the system calculates and reduces their outstanding principal accordingly.

  3. Early Mortgage Completion: If a buyer decides to complete their mortgage ahead of schedule, they can do so, and the contract calculates any potential rebates on future interest.

  4. Delayed Payment Penalties: Penalties can be imposed for delayed payments.

Advanced Contract Functions

convertCurrency: Converts payments made in one stablecoin to another preferred stablecoin, using integrated price oracles.

function convertCurrency(address fromToken, address toToken, uint256 amount) public returns (uint256) {
    // Uses oracles to get conversion rates and executes the conversion

calculateEarlyCompletionRebate: If a buyer wishes to close the mortgage early, this function calculates potential savings.

function calculateEarlyCompletionRebate(uint256 mortgageId) public view returns (uint256) {
    // Implementation

Event Logging:

For transparency and traceability, various events are emitted.

event MortgageOriginated(address indexed lender, address indexed buyer, uint256 indexed mortgageId);
event MonthlyPaymentMade(address indexed buyer, uint256 amount, uint256 mortgageId);
// ... other events

Security Measures:

  1. Access Control: Uses OpenZeppelin's AccessControl to designate roles (e.g., MORTGAGE_MANAGER_ROLE).

  2. Rate Limiting: Certain actions, especially those related to funds, have rate limits.

  3. Audit Trails: All significant activities are logged to ensure traceability.

adjustInterestRateOracle(): Dynamic Interest Rate Adjustment

function adjustInterestRateOracle(uint256 financingId) public {
    // Oracle interaction
    // Update Interest Rate based on Oracle
  1. Oracle Interaction: Fetches the current market interest rate.

  2. Interest Rate Update: Automatically updates the interest rate for Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs) within the set rate cap.

External Interactions, Integrations and Potential Improvements

External Interactions & Improvements:

  1. Oracle Integration: For real-time data, especially when converting between stablecoins.

  2. Credit Rating Agencies: Optional integration to fetch the buyer's credit score, which can be used to set initial terms.

  3. Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Incorporating a decentralized system like Nation3 Agreements, Aragon Court and/or Kleros.

  4. Gas Optimization: As Ethereum gas fees can be high, continuous optimizations are crucial.

  5. Upgradability: Implement a proxy contract to allow for upgradable contract logic.

  6. Legal Compliance Check: Integration with services that ensure the terms of the contract comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  7. Escrow Services: An external escrow contract could be employed for added security, especially for the down payment phase.

  8. Fiat-to-Stablecoin On-Ramp: To allow users to purchase stablecoins directly with fiat, easing the payment process.

Advanced Contract Functions for External Interactions

fetchCreditScore(): Fetch Buyer’s Credit Score

function fetchCreditScore(address buyerAddress) public returns (uint256 creditScore) {
    // API call to external Credit Rating Agency
  1. API Call: Executes an external API call to a credit rating agency.

  2. Credit Score Fetching: Returns the fetched credit score.

verifyLegalCompliance(): Checks Legal Compliance of Contract Terms

function verifyLegalCompliance(uint256 financingId) public returns (bool complianceStatus) {
    // Legal compliance API interaction
  1. Compliance Check: Consults with an external legal compliance service to ensure terms are legally compliant.

  2. Status Update: Updates the compliance status of the contract.

Integration with Other Contracts:

  1. Tokenized Real Estate: The contract could be modified to support Real Estate tokens, allowing for fractional ownership.

  2. DAO Governance: A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) could oversee and vote on contract changes or dispute resolutions.

  3. Chainlink VRF: For any randomization needs like choosing an arbitrator, Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) could be integrated.

  4. Yield Farming: Allow buyers to stake a DeFi token in the contract for yield, which could go towards their mortgage payments.

In essence, the Mortgage Smart Contract encapsulates the convergence of real estate and blockchain technology. It streamlines the lending process, ensuring both transparency and automation, all underpinned by the secure and immutable nature of the blockchain and this technical framework represents a significant leap in modernizing property financing.

Last updated