Owner Financing Agreement

This Agreement ("Agreement") is executed as of [Date], by and between [Seller's Full Legal Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Seller," and [Buyer's Full Legal Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer."


Whereas, the Seller, being the rightful and legal owner of the property described herein, seeks to sell it through an owner financing mechanism;

Whereas, the Buyer demonstrates intent to acquire the said property under this unique financing structure, recognizing the convenience, transparency, and innovation brought about by combining traditional property dealings with blockchain technology;

Whereas, both parties acknowledge the benefits and nuances of the OwnerFinancing Contract and the affiliated Non-Fungible Tokens representing various stakeholders and steps in the process;

Now, therefore, in light of the mutual covenants and promises made by the parties hereto, the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the property under the following terms and conditions:

1. Definition and Interpretations

In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:

  • Account: An Ethereum Address retained by an entity or an individual, governed and secured via cryptographic private keys.

  • Agreement: Refers to this Agreement and its on-chain digital equivalent, including any amendments or supplements to it.

  • Address: A unique public key location on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Blockchain: A digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly.

  • BuyerNFT: A digital token representation of the Buyer's rights, obligations, and interests in the property on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • DeedNFT: The primary token representing the tangible property, its characteristics, rights, and value within the Deed Protocol.

  • Deed Protocol: The underlying blockchain system or protocol that facilitates the minting, management, and transfer of DeedNFTs.

  • Ethereum: The prevailing open-source, blockchain platform facilitating and housing the smart contracts of the Deed Protocol.

  • FinancingDetails: The structured data encapsulating the terms, conditions, and status of the financing arrangement stored within the OwnerFinancing Contract.

  • IPFS: The InterPlanetary File System, a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system.

  • Metadata: Pertinent data stored within the Deed Protocol's Smart Contracts, which may also reference external data repositories, ensuring all property details, transaction histories, and other necessary attributes are accessible.

  • Owner-Financing Contract: The smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that manages the financial agreement between the Seller and Buyer, encapsulating the terms, payment processing, and related functionalities as detailed in this Agreement.

  • Platform Fees: Any fees taken by the platform managing the OwnerFinancing Contract, deducted from down payments or monthly payments.

  • Principal Amount: Refers to the initial amount financed after accounting for the down payment, which the Buyer is obligated to repay under the terms of this Agreement.

  • Property: The tangible set of rights, privileges, and entitlements, meticulously detailed in the DeedNFT's Metadata.

  • SellerNFT: A digital token representation of the Seller's rights, obligations, and interests in the property on the Ethereum blockchain.

2. Property Description and Details

The property which forms the crux of this Agreement is detailed as follows, reflecting its uniqueness and importance:

  • Address: [Complete Address]

  • Legal Description: [Detailed legal description from the title or deed]

  • Parcel Number or Identifier: [If available]

The aforementioned property, identified in both tangible and intangible forms, is recognized as the asset under this Agreement. The preservation of its integrity, value, and sanctity is in the vested interest of both parties.

3. Financing Structure and Price Determination

The fundamental component that differentiates this Agreement from traditional property deals is the owner financing structure. The terms of this arrangement are:

  • Total Purchase Price: [Amount]

  • Down Payment: [Down Payment Amount]

  • Financed Amount: The amount to be financed post down payment, calculated as [Principal Amount].

The establishment of this financing structure ensures a balance between immediate payment and deferred payments, offering flexibility to the Buyer and security to the Seller.

4. Owner Financing Detailed Terms

To ensure clarity and a shared understanding, the terms of owner financing have been meticulously outlined:

  • Interest Rate: Annual rate of [e.g., "5%"].

  • Term Duration: Spanning [e.g., "30 years"]

  • Monthly Installments: Methodically calculated as [Calculation Method, e.g., "amortized over 30 years"] with payments commencing from [Specify Date].

These terms dictate the flow of payments, ensuring the Buyer's adherence and the Seller's expected inflow. The balance of equity and interest ensures the fair distribution of costs over time.

5. Blockchain Integration and Digital Processes

Embracing modern technology, this Agreement and the subsequent processes are intertwined with blockchain:

  • Recording of key financing details in a secure, immutable manner.

  • Digital representation through SellerNFT and BuyerNFT.

  • Transparent management of Agreement amendments.

These digital processes not only ensure transparency and efficiency but also pave the way for a future where digital dealings and traditional processes seamlessly coexist.

6. Default Provisions and Remedies

To protect both parties and uphold the sanctity of the Agreement:

  • Default Triggers: Should the Buyer fail to adhere to consecutive monthly payments for [e.g., "3 months"], or any other significant Agreement breaches.

  • Implications: The Seller holds the right to declare unpaid balances as immediately due. Furthermore, ownership, in both tangible and DeedNFT forms, may revert to the Seller.

It's paramount that the Buyer remains diligent, understanding the gravitas of these provisions and the potential implications of default.

7. Assurances and Declarations

Trust is the bedrock of any Agreement. Therefore:

Seller Assurances:

  • No undisclosed encumbrances or liens.

  • Affirmation of no active litigation or proceedings concerning the property.

Buyer Assurances:

  • Conducted due diligence on the property.

  • Financial readiness to adhere to the Agreement.

These declarations and assurances bolster trust and transparency between parties, ensuring a smoother transition and understanding throughout the Agreement’s term.

8. Rights and Responsibilities during Financing Period

During the financing term, responsibilities and privileges are shared:

Seller's Rights and Responsibilities:

  • Maintains a lien on the property until the financed amount is fully paid.

  • Offers assistance, if needed, in the event of technical difficulties related to blockchain elements of the Agreement.

Buyer's Rights and Responsibilities:

  • Takes on the typical roles of property ownership, including maintenance, tax payments, and insurance.

  • Should remain committed to monthly payment obligations as per the stipulated schedule.

  • Obligated to inform the Seller of any substantial damages or events that might influence the property's value.

Though the title is under the Seller's purview until the final payment, the day-to-day responsibilities and privileges of property ownership largely rest with the Buyer, maintaining the essence of a traditional purchase while incorporating a financing structure.

9. Property Inspection and Appraisals

To ensure fairness and transparency in the agreed value:

  • Regular inspections can be conducted, the frequency and conditions of which should be mutually agreed upon.

  • Appraisals to ascertain the property's value might be initiated by either party, given that the costs are borne by the initiating party.

Ensuring that the agreed value remains consistent with the market and the property's condition underpins the financial structure's integrity.

10. Contractual Amendments and Blockchain Representations

Recognizing the evolving nature of both property markets and blockchain technology:

  • Any changes to the Agreement need mutual consent, documented both traditionally and within the blockchain infrastructure.

  • Amendments in terms, once agreed upon, will lead to updates in the associated NFTs.

This dynamic approach ensures the Agreement remains current, while changes are transparently and immutably recorded.

11. Termination and Full Payment

Upon the fulfillment of the financing:

  • The Seller agrees to transfer the property's full ownership to the Buyer, both traditionally and by transferring the associated DeedNFT.

  • All liens or claims by the Seller on the property will be released.

This clause ensures the culmination of the Agreement is seamless, symbolizing the Buyer's complete acquisition of the property.

12. Default Management and Repercussions

In light of the digital nature of the Agreement:

  • If the Buyer defaults, besides the traditional repercussions, the SellerNFT may be reactivated, symbolizing the reclamation of ownership.

  • Steps will be initiated to revert the DeedNFT's possession.

The intertwining of tangible repercussions with digital symbolism ensures that defaults are managed comprehensively.

13. Agreement Violations and Rectifications

In the event of a breach or inability of any Party to fulfill their commitments, corrective measures, as detailed within this Agreement and the associated DeedNFT, shall be triggered, aiming for an equitable resolution.

14. Conflict Mitigation and Resolution

For arising disputes, the Parties initially commit to amicable mediation. If unresolved, binding arbitration or alternative agreed-upon dispute resolution methods will be invoked.

15. Jurisdiction and Governing Regulations

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of [State Name, e.g., "California"]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through amicable negotiations. If no resolution is reached within [e.g., "30 days"], the Parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration under the rules of [Arbitration Association].

16. Ancillary Provisions and Alterations

If any clause is found inconsistent with jurisdictional standards and is declared null, the Agreement's remaining provisions retain their validity. Changes or amendments warrant mutual agreement, with modifications mirrored in the IPFS-stored document and referenced in the DeedNFT.

17. Miscellaneous

  • Amendments: Any changes or modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.

  • Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the Parties.

  • Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties to this Agreement and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns as permitted by law.

18. Digital Signature

Given the digital nature of the transaction and the inherent connection to the DeedNFT, both Parties hereby agree to use digital signatures to execute this Agreement. This digital signature has the same effect as a handwritten signature.

By entering into this Agreement, both the Buyer and Seller are pledging their commitment to its terms, ensuring the seamless fusion of traditional real estate dealings with cutting-edge blockchain technology. It represents not just a transaction, but a testament to the future of real estate in a digitized world.

Last updated