Standard Lease Agreement

This Lease Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the parties, further known as the "Lessor" and the "Lessee," reflecting the terms, conditions, rights, and responsibilities represented through the initiation of the Lease Agreement Smart Contract and the parties acknowledge that the identifying information of this lease (the "Lease") may be found in the corresponding LeaseNFT minted as a result of this Agreement and understand its implications within the Deed Protocol ecosystem.


Whereas, the evolution of blockchain technology has catalyzed the inception of a novel paradigm in asset leasing and ownership, through the immutable, secure, and transparent nature of digital ledgers.

Whereas, the Lessor, recognizing the transformative potential of this innovation, elects to digitize the lease of the specified property through the Deed Protocol, marrying conventional lease standards with the efficiency of digital operations.

Whereas, this Agreement, linked to the corresponding LeaseNFT, serves as the foundational document, upholding the integrity of both traditional and digital property leasing tenets.

Now, therefore, in consideration of the agreements and obligations set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions and Interpretations

In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:

  • Account: An Ethereum Address retained by an entity or an individual, governed and secured via cryptographic private keys.

  • Agreement: Refers to this Agreement and its on-chain digital equivalent, including any amendments or supplements to it.

  • Address: A unique public key location on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Blockchain: A digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly.

  • DeedNFT: The primary token representing the tangible property, its characteristics, rights, and value within the Deed Protocol.

  • Deed Protocol: The underlying blockchain system or protocol that facilitates the minting, management, and transfer of DeedNFTs.

  • Ethereum: The prevailing open-source, blockchain platform facilitating and housing the smart contracts of the Deed Protocol.

  • IPFS: The InterPlanetary File System, a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system.

  • LeaseNFT: A distinct token on the Ethereum blockchain, encapsulating the digital attributes, rights, and obligations associated with this lease.

  • Lessee: The party or entity obtaining the lease rights, bound by the conditions set forth in this Agreement and the corresponding LeaseNFT.

  • Lessor: The party or entity granting lease rights over the specified property.

  • Lease Term: The duration for which the lease rights over the property are granted, commencing and concluding as defined within the LeaseNFT.

  • Metadata: Pertinent data stored within the Deed Protocol's Smart Contracts, which may also reference external data repositories, ensuring all property details, transaction histories, and other necessary attributes are accessible.

  • Property: The tangible asset subject to this lease, as detailed within the DeedNFT and outlined in this Agreement.

2. Lease Objective and Duration

The Lessor, by this Agreement, confers upon the Lessee, the right to occupy and utilize the specified property for the Lease Term, subject to the terms and conditions detailed herein and within the associated LeaseNFT.

The lessor, using the LeaseAgreement Smart Contract, may create a Lease specifying the lessee, lease duration (start and end dates), rent amount, required security deposit, associated property token ID, late payment fees, and grace period.

Assignment of Agent A lessor has the right to assign an agent who can act on behalf of the lessor regarding this Lease, with a specified commission percentage.

3. Rent, Payments, and Financial Stipulations

The lessee is obliged to pay the specified rent amount by the rent due date. If payment is not made within the grace period, a late payment fee, as specified in the lease creation, will be applied.

  • Rent Amount: The periodic compensation the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor for the lease rights, as defined within the LeaseNFT.

  • Security Deposit: A safeguard sum held by the Lessor against potential damages or default, refundable at the lease's conclusion, subject to property conditions.

  • Payment Mechanisms: Lease compensations, including rents and associated fees, will adhere to the modalities and terms set within the LeaseNFT.

4. Property Attributes, Maintenance, and Inspection

The property, as described within the associated DeedNFT and this Agreement, shall be delivered in the stipulated condition. The Lessee agrees to maintain the property, ensuring no substantial depreciation occurs, barring standard wear and tear.

5. Rights, Duties, and Representations

  • Lessor's Obligations: Guaranteeing the property's readiness and resolving foundational issues, if any, prior to the lease's onset.

  • Lessee's Rights and Duties: Ensuring timely payment, property upkeep, and notifying the Lessor of significant issues requiring intervention.

6. Termination, Renewal, and Lease Transfer

Either party may initiate termination proceedings in the event of material breach, upon termination, the security deposit will be handled as per the conditions set out in the Smart Contract.

  • Termination: Once a termination is initiated, the security deposit will be handled as per the conditions set out in the Smart Contract.

  • Transfer or Sub-lease: Requires the explicit consent and approval of the Lessor and all terms previously set, shall be ascertained and remain in-line with the minted LeaseNFT's provisions

  • Renewals & Extensions: The lessee holds the right to renew or request an extension of the lease terms and upon each renewal or extension, the lessor maintains the right to increase the rent amount upto a maximum of 3%.

7. Agreement Violations and Rectifications

In the event of a breach or inability of any Party to fulfill their commitments, corrective measures, as detailed within this Agreement and the associated LeaseNFT, shall be triggered, aiming for an equitable resolution.

8. Conflict Mitigation and Resolution

For arising disputes, the Parties initially commit to amicable mediation. If unresolved, binding arbitration or alternative agreed-upon dispute resolution methods will be invoked.

9. Jurisdiction and Governing Regulations

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of [State Name, e.g., "California"]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through amicable negotiations. If no resolution is reached within [e.g., "30 days"], the Parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration under the rules of [Arbitration Association].

10. Ancillary Provisions and Alterations

If any clause is found inconsistent with jurisdictional standards and is declared null, the Agreement's remaining provisions retain their validity. Changes or amendments warrant mutual agreement, with modifications mirrored in the IPFS-stored document and referenced in the LeaseNFT.

11. Miscellaneous

  • Amendments: Any changes or modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.

  • Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the Parties.

  • Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties to this Agreement and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns as permitted by law.

12. Digital Signature

Given the digital nature of the transaction and the inherent connection to the DeedNFT, both Parties hereby agree to use digital signatures to execute this Agreement. This digital signature has the same effect as a handwritten signature.

This Agreement, represents a synthesis of blockchain and traditional legal practices and in congruence with its digital counterpart, serves to protect and uphold the interests, rights, and obligations of both parties, ensuring a seamless and legally fortified leasing experience.

Last updated